SP-01 | Neurovascular entrapment of rt. sciatic nerve causing persistent sciatica - decompression treatment | Seung Won Byun (Sun Medical Center) |
SP-02 | Video demonstration of robotic uterine artery sparing radical trachelectomy with sentinel lymph node mapping | Maitreyee Parulekar (Seoul National University) |
SP-03 | Surgical staging in early endometrial cancer without intrauterine manipulator using the da Vinci SP robotic system | Eun Bi Jang (Konkuk University) |
SP-04 | Robot-assisted vNOTES hysterectomy using Da Vinci Xi system | Hanna Lee (CHA Bundang Medical Center) |
SP-05 | Exploring mini-laparoscopic single-port surgery for bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: Surgical technique and outcomes | Sanha Lee (The Catholic University of Korea) |
SP-06 | Laparoscopic sentinel lymph node biopsy with robotic surgical camera in patient with endometrial cancer | Won-Moo Lee (Hanyang University) |
SP-07 | Robot-assisted myomectomy with the REVO-I | Ji Eun Lee (Yonsei University) |
SP-08 | Ureteroureterostomy during laparoscopic radical hysterectomy | Chul Min Park (Jeju National University) |
PE-01 | Deep learning-based endoscopic image enhancement and smoke removal system for improving the surgical environment | Kyung Jin Eoh (Yonsei University) |
PE-02 | Prediction of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer patients using laparoscopic surgery images | Jun-Hyeong Seo (Sungkyunkwan University) |
PE-03 | Comparison of learning curves by CUSUM analysis for robot-assisted myomectomy performed by 3 surgeons | Ji Young Kwon (Kyung Hee University) |
PE-04 | A case series of feasibility and safety robotic SP®-assisted vNOTES for gynecologic surgery | Khemanat Khemworapong (The Catholic University of Korea) |
PE-06 | Robotic single-site and single port myomectomy: Comparison of outcome in a single institution experience | Seungmee Lee (Keimyung University) |
PE-07 | Initial experience of robotic surgery at a secondary hospital in Korea: Single-center experience with perception of gynecologic surgeons and nursing team | Ga Won Yim (Dongguk University) |
PE-08 | Surgical outcomes of robotic pectopexy in the management of women with apical pelvic organ prolapse: A pilot study | Tae-Kyu Jang (Keimyung University) |
PE-09 | Robot assisted laparoscopic tumor resection of recurrent retroperitoneal desmoid tumor | Min Jong Song (The Catholic University of Korea) |
PE-10 | The learning curve in robotic hysterectomy for large uteri exceeding 1000g | Seongmin Kim (Korea University) |
PE-11 | Surgery versus endoscopic therapy for Mirizzi syndrome (SEIZE)-study: A multicentre international experience | Michiel Bronswijk (University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Belgium) |
PE-12 | The changes of minimally invasive surgery for uterine myomas in the past 18 years | Eun Bi Jang (Konkuk University) |
PE-13 | Comparison of safety and efficacy of the Baska mask versus endotracheal intubation during laparoscopic gynecological surgery: A prospective randomized study | Jeeyeon Kim (Ajou University) |
PE-14 | Comparison of modified solo surgery to conventional surgery in single-incision laparoscopic myomectomy | Doyoung Chung (Dongtan Jeil Women`s Hospital) |
PE-15 | A comparison between reduced-port and multiport robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery for hysterectomy | Yong Jung Song (Pusan National University) |
PE-16 | Comparison of outcomes between minimally invasive surgery versus open surgery and identifying risk factors for additional analgesic use in overweight or obese patients with stage I borderline ovarian tumor | Seon-Mi Lee (Korea University) |
PE-17 | Comparing changes in serum AMH following robotic and laparoscopic surgery at one center: A retrospective study | Hyunkyoung Seo (Korea University) |
PE-18 | A comparison of wound evaluation in single-port and three-port hysterectomy for benign uterine diseases: A randomized trial (LESS-H) | Jungmi Kim (University of Ulsan) |
PE-19 | Comparison between single-port myomectomy using da Vinci SP® surgical system and multi-site robotic myomectomy using da Vinci Xi® surgical system | So Yun Park (Ewha Womans University) |
PE-20 | The efficacy and safety of the 4-point mesh technique in anterior-posterior colporrhaphy | Sang Hyun Cho (Soon Chun Hyang University) |
PE-21 | Comparison of scar assessment between laparo-endoscopic single-site and conventional laparoscopic surgery for early-stage endometrial cancer: A randomized controlled trial | Yae Sol Kim (University of Ulsan) |
PE-22 | Comparative analysis of surgical outcomes for da Vinci Xi versus SP robotic staging in patients with endometrial cancer | Ji Hyun Lee (Yonsei University) |
PE-23 | Using articulated laparoscopic instruments in benign gynecologic disease | Young Eun Chung (Sungkyunkwan University) |
PE-24 | Lighted ureteral stents in robotic single-site radical hysterectomy: A single-center experience | Changmin Shin (Keimyung University) |
PE-25 | Multi-joint laparoscopic instrument in malignant and borderline gynecologic tumor: An observational study | Seongyun Lim (Samsung Medical Center) |
PE-26 | Introduction of the latest guidelines from the Japan society of gynecologic and obstetric endoscopy and minimally invasive therapy (JSGOE) | Masafumi Toyoshima (Nippon Medical School, Japan) |
SE-01 | Surgical tips for robot-assisted isthmocele repair | Su Hyeon Choi (CHA University) |
SE-02 | Peritoneal suture of pelvic floor in laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomy | Wonduk Joo (Choisang Clinic for Women) |
SE-03 | Laparoscopic management of endometrioma developed after ovary transposition during radical hysterectomy | Chul Min Park (Jeju National University) |
SE-04 | Step-by-step procedures for robot-assisted laparoscopic lateral suspension in pelvic organ prolapse | Jeeyeon Kim (Ajou University) |
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Announcement Date: January 31, 2020
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